
Norman Foster Institute on Sustainable Cities: Opening Act


Courtesy of the Norman Foster Foundation

Courtesy of the Norman Foster Foundation

January 22, 2024

The Norman Foster Institute's "Opening Act" introduced the first cohort of students in January 2024 and included various talks from experts in industry and academia. Kent Larson, the Co-Director of the Institute, and Dava Newman, the Honorary Dean, both spoke at the event and met with students. 

The NFI's  goal is to create a new center for multidisciplinary education, open to applicants in fields related to sustainability and cities; its programs will link to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. In this age of climate change, its programming is addressed to those who wish, through practice or education, to improve the quality of life in cities worldwide.  The creation of the Institute follows from the success of the Foundation’s program of workshops, which have been running since its launch in 2017, bringing together experts from academia, practice, and consulting to engage with participants from around the world. 

Scholars will visit and work in three pilot cities to engage directly with their planners and managers. They will use the most up-to-date digital tools in the quest to improve a sustainable quality of life. Towards the end of the year, the scholars will present their findings to the city administration with an emphasis on advocacy and presentation skills. On the basis that historically cities learn from each other, scholars will explore the relevance of their conclusions in the wider context of global cities.

Opening Act Talks: 

  • Opening Talk: Toward a New Model for Urban Communities | Kent Larson
  • Panel Discussion: Norman Foster, Kent Larson, Edgar Pieterse, and Dava Newman, with Chair Tim Stoner
  • Cities Beyond Earth Public Debates: Norman Foster, Dava Newman, Xavier De Kestelier, Marc Guberman, and Chair Tim Stoner


Courtesy of the Norman Foster Foundation

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