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City Science Mobility++ Hackathon 2017 / MIT 城市科學【多元運輸】黑客松 2017

MIT Media Lab / City Science

Tuesday — Thursday
November 28, 2017 —
November 30, 2017
8:00am — 12:00am ET

MIT Media Lab  Mobility++ Workshop【多元運輸】工作坊

2017  11月28日~30日 

In celebration of the launch of City Science Lab @ TaipeiTech

About  MIT CSL@TaipeiTech
關於 MIT 城市科學實驗室 @TaipeiTech

Registration /  報名:  https://goo.gl/forms/MaBOMEApLlxXp5IV2 
(11/26 deadline / 截止)

Innovation in personalized, connected mobility is rapidly becoming an enabler for improving the quality of life in cities.  For example, mass adoption of cycling, using personal or shared bikes, improves air quality, traffic flow, and personal health.  Recent progress  in AI, IoT, and Behavioral  Sciences have opened a new frontier of possibilities for mobility services—in their scale, design, integration, implementation, adoption, operation, and maintenance. These potential improvements in mobility services can contribute directly to enhancing the commerce, citizen/tourist experience, and socio-economic equity of a city.

Challenge yourself with a great group of designers, makers, and hackers, and tinker with an awesome team of 12 mentors led by the MIT Media Lab to enhance our everyday mobility in cities. Hack for 46 hours in an intense and creative environment, with a chance to demo your prototype (hardware, software, data analysis, or service model) to an audience of innovators and industry leaders.

現今交通服務的個人化於數位化正在快速改善都市的生活品質,例如,自行車的普及化可以改善空氣品質,交通流量和大眾健康。近期 A.I. , 與的快速發展也為交通服務開拓了前所未有的創新發展空間,無論是它規模,設計,整合,實施,採用,營運或維護的方面。 交通服務這些潛在的改進可以直接促進都市中的商業,公民與旅遊體驗和社會經濟的平等。

本次活動將凝聚一群優秀的 designers , makers 和 hackers 互相交流合作,並與麻省理工學院媒體實驗室  (MIT Media Lab )帶領的的12人團隊互動以加強對都市交通的創思構想。 在46小時激烈與充滿創新的環境中創造新的想法,最後有機會向業界高層展示您的作品(硬體,軟體,數據分析或服務模式)。


11/28     8h00  Check-In / 報到    9h00  MIT Pecha Kucha + Problem Introduction / MIT 簡報+問題介紹     12h00  Team  Formation/ 組隊     14h00  Kick-Off/ 開跑

11/29     All Day  Working Session / 繼續跑

11/30     12h00   Evaluation/ 成果展示與評審     13h00  Winning Team Announcement/ 公布優勝團隊  

MIT Pecha Kucha + Problem Introduction /  MIT 簡報 + 問題介紹   11/28  9h00-12h00

Location/ 地點: TBD 

  1. Kent LARSON: "City Science Group Overview"
  2. Yasushi SAKAI: "Bike Bump: Crowdsourcing Road Data & Infrastructure Maintenance Processes"
  3. Michael LIN: "Autonomy Lite: from Last-Kilometer to Last-Meter On-Demand Services"
  4. Dr. Christopher BORRONI-BIRD: "Afreecar: Low-Cost E-Mobilty for Micro-Entrepreneurship" 
  5. Phil TINN: "Human Machine Cooperation for Autonomous Vehicles"
  6. Dr. Wolfgang GRUEL: "Taking the Fear of out E-Mobility"
  7. Dr. Jörg Rainer NOENNIG: "Mobile Urban Culture:  Examine the Effects of Changing Mobility Behavior on Urban Development"
  8. Arnaud GRIGNARD: "Agent-based Mobility Simulation"
  9. Dr. Núria MACIÀ  and Dr. Luis ALONSO: "Opportunities for Mobility-Driven Innovation in Andorra" 
  10. Claire LIN 林婕妤: "Smart Taipei: Government as a Platform, City as a Living Lab"


MIT City Science Network  Mentors   /  都市科學實驗室  輔導教練  

Media Lab Mentors  / MIT 輔導教練   

Person People
Luis Alberto Alonso Pastor
Research Scientist
Past Member
Person People
Christopher Borroni-Bird
Former Research Scientist
Person People
Arnaud Grignard
Research Affiliate
Person People
Kent Larson
Professor of the Practice
Person People
Michael Lin
Research Scientist
Person People
Ariel Noyman
Research Scientist
Person People
Yasushi Sakai
Graduate Student
Past Member
Person People
Phil Tinn
Former Research Affiliate


Participants are welcome to bring and use their own tools and materials to the workshop. We will provide the following:  /  歡迎參賽者運用自備的工具和材料。同時間我們也會準備以下的硬體:

Fees / 費用

Registration / 報名 :   Free/免費

The organizer will provide meals.  Participants are responsible for lodging.  / 主辦單位提供活動日之餐點,但不另行提供租宿。  

Prize / 獎勵

Upon completion of the workshop, each participant will receive a certificate signed by TaipeiTech President and Media Lab Director. First 50 registrants will receive an official Media Lab tote bag.  /  每位參與者會得到北科校長和 Media Lab 主任簽名的結業證書。前五十名報名者可以得到 Media Lab 官方紀念布袋。

Co-Organizer  / 共同主辦單位  

Supporting-Organizer / 協辦單位

Lodging Recommendations  / 住宿推薦   

Howard Plaza Hotel  — Angel HSIEH  [angel_hsieh-tp@howard-hotels.com.tw]‎   

Orange Hotel  —  Irene LOW  [irenel_corp@fortehotels.com.tw]  

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