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Student interns reflect on their time at the MIT Summer Research Program

By Olivia Mintz

Meet the Media Lab interns:
Mia Hanes - Space Enabled
Amani Kiruga - Viral Communications
Pamela Melgar - Space Enabled
Jon-Edward Stokes - Space Enabled
Andrew West - Space Enabled

Summer at MIT is not just for current MIT students. Since 1986, the MIT Summer Research Program (MSRP) has created opportunities for underrepresented college students to attend MIT, conduct research and learn how to prepare for graduate school. The program was launched by the MIT Office of Graduate Education to increase diversity in the applicant pool by encouraging these students to consider graduate studies at MIT. The program was launched by the MIT Office of Graduate Education and promotes the value of advanced education. It aims to increase the pool of diverse candidates in the research enterprise by cultivating the capacities of emerging scholars and preparing them for graduate education at MIT and beyond.

The students participated in a variety of research projects across the Institute. In their final week, they shared their research in a poster session and informal presentations. Students also attended weekly seminars supporting their academic, personal, and professional development in preparation for graduate school along with social outings throughout the Greater Boston area.

The School of Architecture and Planning (SA+P) hosted ten MSRP interns this summer: five at the MIT Media Lab and five in the Department of Architecture. Below, several interns share their thoughts on their experiences with the program, time at MIT, and professional goals.

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