Hi! I'm Joi Ito. I'm the director of the MIT Media Lab, an advocate for open access, a serial entrepreneur and VC, and I sit on the boards of various organizations. Last year, the MIT Media Lab launched the Disobedience Award: a $250,000, no-strings-attached cash prize in recognition of an extraordinary act of responsible disobedience that impacts society in positive ways. Last year, we gave the first award to Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha and Professor Marc Edwards, who led the whistleblowing efforts in the Flint, Michigan water crisis. We also awarded three finalists $10,000 each and invited them to a panel at the award ceremony. The Media Lab is once again calling for nominations for the Disobedience Award: https://www.media.mit.edu/posts/disobedience-award/.
I'm here to answer your questions about the award, my views on disobedience, and, of course, anything else.